Isuzu N-Series. Service manual — part 1317

heavy wind and sand, the running
speed should be decreased to be鄄
low 10km/h; the vehicle should be
swerved alongside right side of the
road slowly; turn the steering wheel
equably according to the road con鄄
dition; swerve track should be
smooth and the swerve should not
be too small or too great or too
fierce. Braking in turning should be
avoided, especially emergency brak鄄
When there occurs sideslip to front
wheel in turning, you should uplift the
accelerator pedal and turn the
steering wheel in opposite direction;
when there occurs sideslip to rear
wheel in turning, you should turn the
steering wheel along the sideslip di鄄

rection properly; after sideslip stop鄄
ping, adjust the running direction.
3) Turning around院When you want to
turn the vehicle around by 180, you
should choose a square, great inter鄄
section or even broad road that have
little traffic. Turn around along the
vehicle and starts to decelerate from
50 耀100m away from the position to
turn around, and then use a low gear
with sending out a turning around
When turning around along the vehi鄄
cle as well as backwards, send out a
turning around signal first, decelerate
and moves alongside right side of
the road. When approaches the pre鄄
set spot for turning around, watch
the road condition, turn the steering

wheel to left extreme position to
make the vehicle run to left side of
the road slowly. When approaches
road side, turn the steering wheel
right rapidly and stop the vehicle im鄄
mediately, if this cannot be achieved
once, repeat above operation.
4) Backing up院Shifting into backing
up gear or shifting into forward gear
from backing up gear should be
done after stopping the vehicle
completely. When using backup
gear, backing up light lights. Backing
up speed should be limited to 5km/h.
If the driver cannot see the situation
behind the vehicle because of load or
other reasons, there must be some鄄
one to lead outside the vehicle and
never back up the vehicle blindly.

5) Stop of vehicle and engine院 When
the vehicle is going to stop, it should
decelerate or slide without shelve
and indicate this with swerving light.
Tense the parking brake control lever
after the vehicle stops. If the vehicle
needs to stop on road, it should stop
close to the roadside and never on
the running roadway. If there is a
special situation that the vehicle
needs to stop on the center of the
road, warning boards should be laid
on the places 200 meters away from
both front and back of the vehicle.
You should avoid stopping the vehi鄄
cle on ramp as possible as you can.
If you have to, pull the parking brake
control lever to the death and drive
the vehicle at low gear as well as

stop the vehicle wheel with a triangle
cushion block or stone in case of ve鄄
hicle slide. Notes: the parking brake
should works reliably when the vehi鄄
cle stops on ramp as well as the e鄄
mergency alarm indicator lamp lights.
After the vehicle stops, especially af鄄
ter the engine runs under a heavy
load, the engine cannot be stopped
at once but should keep running at a
low speed for a few minutes and be
stopped as temperature of the cool鄄
ing water falls under 70益.
When stop the vehicle on midway,
you should take anti -freezing meth鄄
ods to keep the engine warm in win鄄
ter and prevent the oil tank from be鄄
ing insolated under burning sun in


series trucks




(玉). Inlet and exhaust systems

(域). Cooling system

(芋). Accelerating transmission system

(郁). Fuel supply system

notice院The details of the engine structure尧 assembling尧 adjustment尧 using and maintenance can be

consulted in the operating specification of relevant engines.




( 玉 ). Air intake尧 exhaust

1. Brief description of structure

Intake system includes air intake
tube assembly尧 air cleaner assem鄄
bly尧 engine air intake tube and air
intake manifold; Some also includes
transitron. Air exhaust system in鄄
cludes exhaust pipe尧 muffler and ex鄄
haust tailpipe etc.

2. Air cleaner

Inlet pipe and air cleaner assembly
that are installed on back of the cab
and move with the cab tilting are
connected flexibly
The function of air filter is to filter out
the dust and the sand coming into
the engine.
Air filter is cyclone dust gathering air

cleaner with paper filter element. Af鄄
ter external air comes into the air fil鄄
ter through the air inlet pipe, larger
dust particle can be separated from
the air by the function of cyclone
vane, then can be thrown into the
dust gathering plate, the separated
air keep on moving and comes into
the cylinder by the filtering function
of the paper element.
For every 1000km running, check
and maintain the air filter. When run鄄
ning in the condition of excessive
dust, the running mileage interval for
inspection and maintenance should
be shortened suitably.
Cleaning of the air cleaner:
1) Remove the dish-shaped nut from
the end cover. Take away the end

cover, remove the inner nut and take
off the filter element assembly.
2) Clean the cover cap and the inner
part of the housing with dry and
clean cloth. When cleaning, do not
let the moisture come into the air fil鄄
盂 Check and clean dust exhauster
regularly to ensure that it is complete
and effective.
榆 Clean filter element of the air
cleaner: Clear dry contamination or
dirt with a compressed -air gun (air
pressure should be lower than
690kPa). The air must blow from in鄄
side of the filter element to the out鄄
side, or you can pat face of the pan鄄
el. Never clean contamination and
dirt by beating or striking. If the filter

element is found to be jammed due
to too long time of using, which re鄄
sults in damage or oil pollution to
surface of the filter element, the filter
element must be replaced.
Using and maintenance院
1) The service life of the engine has
great relationship with the workman鄄
ship of the air filter. It爷s absolutely
forbidden that the engine works
without air filter or on the condition
that the air filter is disabled. Taking
the intake opening of air filter as the
original intake opening is forbidden.
2) For every 1000km running, check
the inlet and exhaust manifold ac鄄
cording to the following steps:
a. Check nuts for looseness, when
tightening the nuts on the inlet and

the exhaust manifolds, the torsion
force should be equable, or else
there will be air leak.
b. Check the inlet and the exhaust
manifolds for crack and hole, check
the gasket for damage and erosion,
if found, replace them with a new

3. Using and inspection of air
intake system

淤 Durability of engine relates to
working condition of the air cleaner.
It爷s forbidden to let the engine run
under the condition that there is no
air cleaner or the air cleaner doesn爷t
work; it爷s also forbidden to use in鄄
take opening of the air cleaner as the
primary air intake opening.
于 after 1000km of running, the air

intake and exhaust manifolds should
be checked for following items:
a. Whether nuts loosen; tighten nuts
of air intake and exhaust manifolds
with uniform torque, or there will be
air leak.
b. Whether there are cracks or holes
on air intake and exhaust manifolds;
whether there is damage or corrosion
to the gaskets. If found, replace for
new ones.

(域). Cooling system

Brief description of the struc鄄

Cooling system adopts closed wa鄄
ter-cooling pressure cycle type. It is
composed of radiator尧cooling fluid尧



hose etc.. Type of the radiator is


series trucks

1尧stalling wire drawing曰 2尧assembly of accelerator mechanism and pedal曰
3尧front floor of the cab曰 4尧acceleration wire drawing曰5尧stalling oscillating
arm of the engine曰6尧acceleration oscillating arm of the engine曰 7尧frame

Schematic diagram of accelerating transmission device



straight-through tube.
The specific structure and type of the
cooling system components can be
consulted in detail in the operating
specification of relevant engines.

2.Using and maintenance of
cooling system

1) It爷 s recommend to use long-term
effective anti-freezing and preserva鄄
tive liquid of glycol base as cooling
fluid. In the north, it can avoid dam鄄
age to the engine due to solidifica鄄
tion of cooling fluid in winter; in the
south, it can increase the boiling
point of cooling fluid in summer to
avoid damage to engine due to air
resistance in high temperature.
2) Every time before driving, check
the liquid level in the radiator, if the

liquid is found insufficient, it should
be added to specified level.
3) Drainage of cooling system. In
cold region and in winter, for long -
time parking or finishing using the
vehicle everyday without using anti-
freezing preservative liquid, the cool鄄
ing system must be drained and the
water filler cap of the radiator must
be opened to avoid the incomplete
drainage of cooling water.
4) After a long time of engine run鄄
ning, there will be furring that should
be cleaned in time in the cooling
water. Clean it with following method:
mix 700耀800 grams of caustic soda
with 150 grams of kerosene, add the
mixture liquid into the cooling water,
keep the engine running at a medi鄄

um speed for 5 耀10 minutes, after
stopping for 10耀12 hours, restart the
engine and keep it running for 10耀15
minutes. Then drain the liquor and
wash the cooling system with clean

3. Items to notice in using long-
term effective anti -freezing
preservative liquid

1) Choose suitable antifreeze accord鄄
ing to the lowest temperature of the
region, if the lowest temperature of
the region is -25益 , antifreeze of
which solidifying point is -30益
should be chosen.
2) Anti-freezing preservative liquid of
the same type should be used in
adding in case of deposition.
3) If find deterioration of the anti -

freezing preservative liquid, replace
it entirely at once. Color of the anti-
freezing liquid is green or blue, if the
liquid is deteriorated, the color will
become deep red because of infil鄄
tration of impurity.
4. Adjusting of tension degree of fan
belt pulley
淤 Neither the fan belt is too tight nor
too loose does good to normal oper鄄
ating of the engine. Refer to instruc鄄
tion book of engine assembly for de鄄
tails of adjusting methods.
于 Adjusting methods. Adjust the fan
belt with adjusting bolts first, then do
accurate adjusting with the tension
lever; adjust degree of tension of the
V -belt with fingers, pressing each
belt with 4kg force. The standard of

degree of tension of crankshaft belt
pulley要belt tension pulley is 10要15
mm and the belt tension pulley--fan
belt pulley is 7要8mm.

(芋) Accelerating transmis鄄
sion system


series trucks

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