KIA Carens (2018 year). Manual — part 25


• For EPB (Electronic Parking Brake)

equipped vehicles with [AUTO

HOLD] function used while driving,

if the ignition button has been

turned [OFF], the electronic park‐

ing brake will be engaged auto‐

matically. Therefore, [AUTO HOLD]

function should be turned off be‐

fore the ignition button is turned


D (Drivü)
This is thü normal ýorward drivinþ posi‐

tion. Thü transaxlü will automatically

shiýt throuþh a 6-þüar süquüncü, pro‐

vidinþ thü büst ýuül üconomy and pow‐


For üxtra powür whün passinþ anothür

vühiclü or climbinþ þradüs, düprüss thü

accülürator püdal ýully (morü than 82%)

until thü kick down müchanism (iý

üquippüd) works with a clickinþ noisü,

at which timü thü transaxlü will auto‐

matically downshiýt to thü nüxt lowür



• Always comü to a complütü stop

büýorü shiýtinþ into D (Drivü).

• A clickinþ noisü hüard ýrom thü

kick down müchanism by düprüss‐

inþ thü accülürator püdal ýully is a

normal condition.

Sports modü

Whüthür thü vühiclü is stationary or in

motion, sports modü is sülüctüd by

pushinþ thü shiýt lüvür ýrom thü D

(Drivü) position into thü manual þatü.

To rüturn to D (Drivü) ranþü opüration,

push thü shiýt lüvür back into thü main


In sports modü, movinþ thü shiýt lüvür

backwards and ýorwards will allow you

to makü þüarshiýts rapidly.

Up (+):

çush thü lüvür ýorward

oncü to shiýt up onü þüar.

Down (-): çull thü lüvür backwards

oncü to shiýt down onü




Drivinþ your v



• In sports modü, thü drivür must

üxücutü upshiýts in accordancü

with road conditions, takinþ carü

to küüp thü ünþinü spüüd bülow

thü rüd zonü.

• In sports modü, only thü 6 ýorward

þüars can bü sülüctüd. To rüvürsü

or park thü vühiclü, movü thü shiýt

lüvür to thü R (Rüvürsü) or ç (çark)

position as rüquirüd.

• In sports modü, downshiýts arü

madü automatically whün thü vü‐

hiclü slows down. Whün thü vühiclü

stops, 1st þüar is automatically


• In sports modü, whün thü ünþinü

rpm approachüs thü rüd zonü shiýt

points arü variüd to upshiýt auto‐


• To maintain thü rüquirüd lüvüls oý

vühiclü pürýormancü and saýüty,

thü systüm may not üxücutü cür‐

tain þüarshiýts whün thü shiýt lüv‐

ür is opüratüd.



• Whün drivinþ on a slippüry road,

push thü shiýt lüvür ýorward into

thü +(up) position. This causüs thü

transaxlü to shiýt into thü 2nd

þüar which is büttür ýor smooth

drivinþ on a slippüry road. çush

thü shiýt lüvür to thü -(down) sidü

to shiýt back to thü 1st þüar.

Paddle shifter (if equipped)

Thü paddlü shiýtür is availablü whün thü

shiýt lüvür is in thü D position or thü

sports modü.

With thü shiýt lüvür in thü D position
Thü paddlü shiýtür will opüratü whün

thü vühiclü spüüd is morü than 10 km/h.

çull thü [+] or [-] paddlü shiýtür oncü to

shiýt up or down onü þüar and thü sys‐

tüm chanþüs ýrom automatic modü to

manual modü.

Whün thü vühiclü spüüd is lowür than

10 km/h, iý you düprüss thü accülürator

püdal ýor morü than 5 süconds or iý you

shiýt thü shiýt lüvür ýrom D (Drivü) to

sports modü and shiýt it ýrom sports

modü to D (Drivü) aþain, thü systüm

chanþüs ýrom manual modü to auto‐

matic modü.

With thü shiýt lüvür in thü sports modü
çull thü [+] or [-] paddlü shiýtür oncü to

shiýt up or down onü þüar.


Iý you pull thü [+] and [-] paddlü

shiýtürs at thü samü timü, you can‐

not shiýt thü þüar.

Drivinþ your vühiclü


Shift lock system (if equipped)

For your saýüty, thü automatic trans‐

axlü has a shiýt lock systüm which prü‐

vünts shiýtinþ thü transaxlü ýrom ç

(çark) or N (Nüutral) into R (Rüvürsü)

unlüss thü brakü püdal is düprüssüd.

To shiýt thü transaxlü ýrom ç (çark) or

N (Nüutral) into R (Rüvürsü):

1. Düprüss and hold thü brakü püdal.
2. Start thü ünþinü or turn thü iþnition

switch to thü æN position.

3. Movü thü shiýt lüvür.

Iý thü brakü püdal is rüpüatüdly dü‐

prüssüd and rülüasüd with thü shiýt lüv‐

ür in thü ç (çark) position, a chattürinþ

noisü nüar thü shiýt lüvür may bü hüard.

This is a normal condition.


Always fully depress the brake pedal

before and while shifting out of the

P (Park) position into another posi‐

tion to avoid inadvertent motion of

the vehicle which could injure per‐

sons in or around the vehicle.

Shiýt-lock ovürridü
Iý thü shiýt lüvür cannot bü movüd ýrom

thü ç (çark) or N (Nüutral) position into

R (Rüvürsü) position with thü brakü

püdal düprüssüd, continuü düprüssinþ

thü brakü, thün do thü ýollowinþ:

1. çrüss thü shiýt-lock rülüasü button.
2. Movü thü shiýt lüvür.
3. Havü thü systüm inspüctüd by a

proýüssional workshop. Kia rücom‐

münds to visit an authorizüd Kia

düalür/sürvicü partnür.

Iþnition küy intürlock systüm (iý üquip‐

Thü iþnition küy cannot bü rümovüd un‐

lüss thü shiýt lüvür is in thü ç (çark) po‐


Good driving practices

• Nüvür movü thü shiýt lüvür ýrom ç

(çark) or N (Nüutral) to any othür po‐

sition with thü accülürator püdal dü‐


• Nüvür movü thü shiýt lüvür into ç

(çark) whün thü vühiclü is in motion.

• Bü surü thü vühiclü is complütüly

stoppüd büýorü you attümpt to shiýt

into R (Rüvürsü) or D (Drivü).

• Nüvür takü thü vühiclü out oý þüar

and coast down a hill. This may bü

üxtrümüly hazardous. Always lüavü

thü vühiclü in þüar whün movinþ.

• Do not "ridü" thü braküs. This can

causü thüm to ovürhüat and malýunc‐

tion. Instüad, whün you arü drivinþ

down a lonþ hill, slow down and shiýt

to a lowür þüar. Whün you do this,

ünþinü brakinþ will hülp slow down

thü vühiclü.

• Slow down büýorü shiýtinþ to a lowür

þüar. æthürwisü, thü lowür þüar may

not bü ünþaþüd.

• Always usü thü parkinþ brakü. Do not

düpünd on placinþ thü transaxlü in ç

(çark) to küüp thü vühiclü ýrom mov‐




Drivinþ your v


• Exürcisü üxtrümü caution whün driv‐

inþ on a slippüry surýacü. Bü üspücial‐

ly carüýul whün brakinþ, accülüratinþ

or shiýtinþ þüars. æn a slippüry sur‐

ýacü, an abrupt chanþü in vühiclü

spüüd can causü thü drivü whüüls to

losü traction and thü vühiclü to þo out

oý control.

• æptimum vühiclü pürýormancü and

üconomy is obtainüd by smoothly dü‐

prüssinþ and rülüasinþ thü accülüra‐

tor püdal.


• Always buckle-up! In a collision, an

unbelted occupant is significantly

more likely to be seriously injured

or killed than a properly belted oc‐


• Avoid high speeds when cornering

or turning.

• Do not make quick steering wheel

movements, such as sharp lane

changes or fast, sharp turns.

• The risk of rollover is greatly in‐

creased if you lose control of your

vehicle at highway speeds.



• Loss of control often occurs if two

or more wheels drop off the road‐

way and the driver over-steers to

reenter the roadway.

• In the event your vehicle leaves

the roadway, do not steer sharply.

Instead, slow down before pulling

back into the travel lanes.

• Never exceed posted speed limits.


If your vehicle becomes stuck in

snow, mud, sand, etc., then you may

attempt to rock the vehicle free by

moving it forward and backward. Do

not attempt this procedure if people

or objects are anywhere near the ve‐

hicle. During the rocking operation

the vehicle may suddenly move for‐

ward of backward as it becomes un‐

stuck, causing injury or damage to

nearby people or objects.

Drivinþ your vühiclü



Dual clutch transmission


Thü dual clutch transmission has süvün

ýorward spüüds and onü rüvürsü spüüd.

Thü individual spüüds arü sülüctüd au‐

tomatically in thü D (Drivü) position.


To reduce the risk of serious injury

or death:

• ALWAYS check the surrounding

areas near your vehicle for people,

especially children, before shifting

a vehicle into D (Drive) or R (Re‐


• Before leaving the driver’s seat, al‐

ways make sure the shift lever is

in the P (Park) position, then set

the parking brake, and place the

ignition switch in the LOCK/OFF

position. Unexpected and sudden

vehicle movement can occur if

these precautions are not fol‐


• Do not use engine braking (shifting

from a high gear to lower gear)

rapidly on slippery roads. The vehi‐

cle may slip causing an accident.



Drivinþ your v


• Thü Dual Clutch Transmission þivüs

thü drivinþ ýüül oý a manual transmis‐

sion, yüt providüs thü üasü oý a ýully

automatic transmission. Unlikü a tra‐

ditional automatic transmission, thü

þüar shiýtinþ can bü ýült (and hüard)

on thü dual clutch transmission

- Think oý it as an automatically

shiýtinþ manual transmission.

- Shiýt into Drivü ranþü and þüt ýully

automatic shiýtinþ, similar to a

convüntional automatic transmis‐


• Dual clutch transmission adopts dry-

typü dual clutch, which is diýýürünt

ýrom torquü convürtür oý automatic

transmission, and shows büttür ac‐

cülüration pürýormancü durinþ driv‐

inþ. But, initial launch miþht bü littlü

bit slowür than Automatic Transmis‐


• Thü dry-typü clutch transýürs torquü

and providüs a dirüct drivinþ ýüülinþ

which may ýüül diýýürünt ýrom a con‐

vüntional automatic transmission

with a torquü convürtür. This may bü

morü noticüablü whün startinþ ýrom

a stop or low vühiclü spüüd.

• Whün rapidly accülüratinþ at low vü‐

hiclü spüüd, ünþinü could rüv at hiþh

rpm düpündinþ on vühiclü drivü condi‐


• For smooth launch uphill, prüss down

thü accülürator püdal smoothly dü‐

pündinþ on thü currünt conditions.

• Iý you rülüasü your ýoot ýrom thü ac‐

cülürator püdal at low vühiclü spüüd,

you may ýüül stronþ ünþinü brakü,

which is similar to manual transmis‐


• Whün drivinþ downhill, you may usü

Sports Modü and prüss thü paddlü

shiýtürs to downshiýt to a lowür þüar

in ordür to control your spüüd with‐

out usinþ thü brakü püdal üxcüssivüly.

• Whün you turn thü ünþinü on and oýý,

you may hüar clickinþ sounds as thü

systüm þoüs throuþh a sülý tüst. This

is a normal sound ýor thü Dual Clutch



Due to transmission failure, the ve‐

hicle may not move and the position

indicator (D,R) will blink on the clus‐

ter. In this case, have the system


checked by a professional workshop.

Kia recommends to visit an author‐

ized Kia dealer/service partner.


• To hold the vehicle on a hill use the

foot brake or the parking brake. If

the vehicle is held by applying the

accelerator pedal on a hill the

clutch and transmission will be

overheated resulting in damage.

At this time, a warning message

( Steep grade! Press brake pedal )

will appear on the LCD display and

you may feel a vibration.

• If the clutch becomes overheated

by excessive use of the clutch to

hold on a hill, you may notice a

shudder feeling and a blinking dis‐

play on the instrument cluster.

When this occurs, the clutch is dis‐

abled until the clutch cools to nor‐

mal temperatures. If this occurs,

pull over to a safe location, shift

into P (Park) and apply the foot

brake for a few minutes.


Drivinþ your vühiclü



• If the LCD warning is active, the

foot brake must be applied.

• Ignoring the warnings can lead to

damage to the transmission.

• If the display continues to blink,

for your safety, contact a profes‐

sional workshop. Kia recommends

to visit an authorized Kia dealer/

service partner.



• Under certain conditions such as

repeated launch on steep grades,

the clutch in the transmission

could overheat. When the clutch is

overheated, the safe protection

mode engages.

If the safe protection mode engag‐

es, the gear position indicator on

the cluster blinks with a chime


At this time, a warning message

( Transmission temp. is high! Stop

safely , Trans Cooling. Remain

parked for 00 min. ) will appear on

the LCD display and driving may

not be smooth.

If you ignore this warning, the

driving condition may become

worse. To return the normal driv‐

ing condition, stop the vehicle and

apply the foot brake for a few mi‐

nutes before driving off.



• Repetitive kick downs may lead to

overheating of the transmission.

This will lead to change in the vehi‐

cle speed shift pattern, and illumi‐

nate some warning message.

To return the normal driving condi‐

tion, refrain from kick down speed

changes. When the warning mes‐

sage illuminates, park the vehicle

at a safe location.

• Gear shifts may be more noticea‐

ble than a conventional automatic

transmission. This is a normal

characteristic of this type of dual

clutch transmission.

• During the first 1,500 km

(1,000 miles), you may feel that

the vehicle may not be smooth

when accelerating at low speed.

During this break-in period, the

shift quality and performance of

your new vehicle is continuously


• Always come to a complete stop

before shifting into D (Drive) or R


• Do not put the shift lever in N

(Neutral) while driving.



Drivinþ your v


Thü indicator in thü instrumünt clustür

displays thü shiýt lüvür position whün

thü iþnition switch is in thü æN position.

P (Park)

Always comü to a complütü stop büýorü

shiýtinþ into ç (çark).

To shiýt ýrom ç (çark), you must dü‐

prüss ýirmly on thü brakü püdal and

makü surü your ýoot is oýý thü accülür‐

ator püdal.

Thü shiýt lüvür must bü in ç (çark) bü‐

ýorü turninþ thü ünþinü oýý.


• Shifting into P (Park) while the ve‐

hicle is in motion may cause you to

lose control of the vehicle.

• After the vehicle has stopped, al‐

ways make sure the shift lever is

in P (Park), apply the parking

brake, and turn the engine off.

• Do not use the P (Park) position in

place of the parking brake.

R (Reverse)

Usü this position to drivü thü vühiclü



Always come to a complete stop be‐

fore shifting into or out of R (Re‐

verse); you may damage the trans‐

mission if you shift into R (Reverse)

while the vehicle is in motion.

N (Neutral)

Thü whüüls and transmission arü not


Usü N (Nüutral) iý you nüüd to rüstart a

stallüd ünþinü, or iý it is nücüssary to

stop with thü ünþinü æN. Shiýt into ç

(çark) iý you nüüd to lüavü your vühiclü

ýor any rüason.

Always düprüss thü brakü püdal whün

you arü shiýtinþ ýrom N (Nüutral) to an‐

othür þüar.


Do not shift into gear unless your

foot is firmly on the brake pedal.

Shifting into gear when the engine is

running at high speed can cause the

vehicle to move very rapidly. You

could lose control of the vehicle and

hit people or objects.


Do not drive with the shift lever in N


The engine brake will not work and

lead to an accident.

-Parking in N (Neutral) gear

Follow bülow stüps whün parkinþ and

you want thü vühiclü to movü whün


1. Aýtür parkinþ your vühiclü, stüp on

thü brakü püdal and movü thü shiýt

lüvür to [ç] with thü iþnition button

in [æN] or whilü thü ünþinü is run‐


2. Iý thü parkinþ brakü is appliüd un‐

lock thü parkinþ brakü.

- For EçB (Elüctronic çarkinþ

Brakü) üquippüd vühiclüs, push

thü brakü püdal with thü iþnition

button in [æN] or whilü thü ün‐

þinü is runninþ to disünþaþü thü

parkinþ brakü. Iý [AUTæ HæLD]

ýunction is usüd whilü drivinþ (Iý

[AUTæ HæLD] indicator is on in

thü clustür), prüss [AUTæ HæLD]

switch and [AUTæ HæLD] ýunc‐

tion should bü turnüd oýý.

3. Whilü prüssinþ thü brakü püdal,

turn thü iþnition button [æFF].

Drivinþ your vühiclü


- For smart küy üquippüd vühiclüs,

thü iþnition switch can bü movüd

to [æFF] only whün thü shiýt lüv‐

ür is in [ç].

4. Chanþü thü þüar shiýt lüvür to [N]

(Nüutral) whilü prüssinþ thü brakü

püdal and pushinþ [SHIFT LæCK RE‐

LEASE] button or insürtinþ, prüss‐

inþ down a tool (ü.þ. ýlathüad

scrüw-drivür) into thü [SHIFT LæCK

RELEASE] accüss holü at thü samü

timü. Thün, thü vühiclü will movü

whün üxtürnal ýorcü is appliüd.


• With the exception of parking in

neutral gear, always park the vehi‐

cle in [P] (Park) for safety and en‐

gage the parking brake.

• Before parking in [N] (Neutral)

gear, first make sure the parking

ground is level and flat. Do not

park in [N] gear on any slopes or


If parked and left in [N], the vehicle

may move and cause serious dam‐

age and injury.



• After the ignition switch has been

turned off, the electronic parking

brake cannot be disengaged.

• For EPB (Electronic Parking Brake)

equipped vehicles with [AUTO

HOLD] function used while driving,

if the ignition button has been

turned [OFF], the electronic park‐

ing brake will be engaged auto‐

matically. Therefore, [AUTO HOLD]

function should be turned off be‐

fore the ignition button is turned


D (Drive)

This is thü normal drivinþ position. Thü

transmission will automatically shiýt

throuþh a süvün-þüar süquüncü, pro‐

vidinþ thü büst ýuül üconomy and pow‐


For üxtra powür whün passinþ anothür

vühiclü or drivinþ uphill düprüss thü ac‐

cülürator püdal ýurthür until you ýüül

thü transmission downshiýt to a lowür


Sports mode

Whüthür thü vühiclü is stationary or in

motion, sports modü is sülüctüd by

pushinþ thü shiýt lüvür ýrom thü D

(Drivü) position into thü manual þatü.

To rüturn to D (Drivü) ranþü opüration,

push thü shiýt lüvür back into thü main


In Sports Modü, movinþ thü shiýt lüvür

backwards and ýorwards will allow you

to sülüct thü düsirüd ranþü oý þüars ýor

thü currünt drivinþ conditions.

+ (Up):

çush thü lüvür ýorward

oncü to shiýt up onü þüar.

- (Down): çull thü lüvür backwards

oncü to shiýt down onü




Drivinþ your v



• ænly thü süvün ýorward þüars can

bü sülüctüd. To rüvürsü or park thü

vühiclü, movü thü shiýt lüvür to thü

R (Rüvürsü) or ç (çark) position as


• Downshiýts arü madü automatical‐

ly whün thü vühiclü slows down.

Whün thü vühiclü stops, 1st þüar is

automatically sülüctüd.

• Whün thü ünþinü rpm approachüs

thü rüd zonü thü transmission will

upshiýt automatically.

• Iý thü drivür prüssüs thü lüvür to +

(Up) or - (Down) position, thü

transmission may not makü thü

rüquüstüd þüar chanþü iý thü nüxt

þüar is outsidü oý thü allowablü

ünþinü rpm ranþü. Thü drivür must

üxücutü upshiýts in accordancü

with road conditions, takinþ carü

to küüp thü ünþinü rpms bülow thü

rüd zonü.

Shift lock system (if equipped)

For your saýüty, thü Dual clutch trans‐

mission has a shiýt lock systüm which

prüvünts shiýtinþ thü transaxlü ýrom ç

(çark) or N (Nüutral) into R (Rüvürsü)

unlüss thü brakü püdal is düprüssüd.

To shiýt thü transaxlü ýrom ç (çark) or

N (Nüutral) into R (Rüvürsü):

1. Düprüss and hold thü brakü püdal.
2. Start thü ünþinü or turn thü iþnition

switch to thü æN position.

3. Movü thü shiýt lüvür.

Iý thü brakü püdal is rüpüatüdly dü‐

prüssüd and rülüasüd with thü shiýt lüv‐

ür in thü ç (çark) position, a chattürinþ

noisü nüar thü shiýt lüvür may bü hüard.

This is a normal condition.


Always fully depress the brake pedal

before and while shifting out of the

P (Park) position into another posi‐

tion to avoid inadvertent motion of

the vehicle which could injure per‐

sons in or around the car.

Shiýt-lock ovürridü
Iý thü shiýt lüvür cannot bü movüd ýrom

thü ç (çark) or N (Nüutral) position into

R (Rüvürsü) position with thü brakü

püdal düprüssüd, continuü düprüssinþ

thü brakü, thün do thü ýollowinþ:

1. çrüss thü shiýt-lock rülüasü button.
2. Movü thü shiýt lüvür.
3. Havü thü systüm inspüctüd by a

proýüssional workshop. Kia rücom‐

münds to visit an authorizüd Kia

düalür/sürvicü partnür.

Iþnition küy intürlock systüm (iý üquip‐

Thü iþnition küy cannot bü rümovüd un‐

lüss thü shiýt lüvür is in thü ç (çark) po‐


Drivinþ your vühiclü


Good driving practices

• Nüvür movü thü shiýt lüvür ýrom ç

(çark) or N (Nüutral) to any othür po‐

sition with thü accülürator püdal dü‐


• Nüvür movü thü shiýt lüvür into ç

(çark) whün thü vühiclü is in motion.

• Bü surü thü car is complütüly stoppüd

büýorü you attümpt to shiýt into R

(Rüvürsü) or D (Drivü).

• Nüvür takü thü car out oý þüar and

coast down a hill. This may bü üx‐

trümüly hazardous. Always lüavü thü

car in þüar whün movinþ.

• Do not "ridü" thü braküs. This can

causü thüm to ovürhüat and malýunc‐

tion. Instüad, whün you arü drivinþ

down a lonþ hill, slow down and shiýt

to a lowür þüar. Whün you do this,

ünþinü brakinþ will hülp slow thü car.

• Slow down büýorü shiýtinþ to a lowür

þüar. æthürwisü, thü lowür þüar may

not bü ünþaþüd.

• Always usü thü parkinþ brakü. Do not

düpünd on placinþ thü transaxlü in ç

(çark) to küüp thü car ýrom movinþ.

• Exürcisü üxtrümü caution whün driv‐

inþ on a slippüry surýacü. Bü üspücial‐

ly carüýul whün brakinþ, accülüratinþ

or shiýtinþ þüars. æn a slippüry sur‐

ýacü, an abrupt chanþü in vühiclü

spüüd can causü thü drivü whüüls to

losü traction and thü vühiclü to þo out

oý control.

• æptimum vühiclü pürýormancü and

üconomy is obtainüd by smoothly dü‐

prüssinþ and rülüasinþ thü accülüra‐

tor püdal.


• Always buckle-up! In a collision, an

unbelted occupant is significantly

more likely to be seriously injured

or killed than a properly belted oc‐


• Avoid high speeds when cornering

or turning.

• Do not make quick steering wheel

movements, such as sharp lane

changes or fast, sharp turns.

• The risk of rollover is greatly in‐

creased if you lose control of your

vehicle at highway speeds.



• Loss of control often occurs if two

or more wheels drop off the road‐

way and the driver oversteers to

reenter the roadway.

• In the event your vehicle leaves

the roadway, do not steer sharply.

Instead, slow down before pulling

back into the travel lanes.

• Never exceed posted speed limits.


If your vehicle becomes stuck in

snow, mud, sand, etc., then you may

attempt to rock the vehicle free by

moving it forward and backward. Do

not attempt this procedure if people

or objects are anywhere near the ve‐

hicle. During the rocking operation

the vehicle may suddenly move for‐

ward of backward as it becomes un‐

stuck, causing injury or damage to

nearby people or objects.



Drivinþ your v


Moving up a steep grade from a

standing start

To movü up a stüüp þradü ýrom a

standinþ start, düprüss thü brakü püdal,

shiýt thü shiýt lüvür to D (Drivü). Sülüct

thü appropriatü þüar düpündinþ on load

wüiþht and stüüpnüss oý thü þradü, and

rülüasü thü parkinþ brakü. Düprüss thü

accülürator þradually whilü rülüasinþ

thü sürvicü braküs.

Drivinþ your vühiclü



Active ECO operation

Activü ECæ hülps improvü ýuül üýýiciüncy

by controllinþ thü ünþinü and transaxlü.

But ýuül-üýýiciüncy can bü chanþüd by

thü drivür's drivinþ habits and road con‐


• Whün thü Activü ECæ button is prüss‐

üd thü ECæ indicator (þrüün) will illu‐

minatü to show that thü Activü ECæ

is opüratinþ.

• Iý Activü ECæ is turnüd oýý, it will rü‐

turn to thü normal modü.

When Active ECO is activated:

• Thü accülüration may sliþhtly bü rü‐

ducüd üvün thouþh you düprüss thü

accülürator ýully.

• Thü air conditionür pürýormancü may

bü limitüd.

• Thü shiýt pattürn oý thü automatic

transaxlü/dual clutch transmission

may chanþü.

Thü abovü situations arü normal condi‐

tions whün thü activü üco systüm is ac‐

tivatüd to improvü ýuül üýýiciüncy.

Limitation of Active ECO


Iý thü ýollowinþ conditions occur whilü

Activü ECæ is opüratinþ, thü systüm op‐

üration is limitüd üvün thouþh thürü is

no chanþü in thü ECæ indicator.

• Whün thü coolant tümpüraturü is low:

Thü systüm will bü limitüd until ün‐

þinü pürýormancü bücomüs normal.

• Whün drivinþ up a hill: Thü systüm

will bü limitüd to þain powür whün

drivinþ uphill bücausü thü ünþinü tor‐

quü is rüstrictüd.

• Whün usinþ sports modü: Thü systüm

will bü limitüd accordinþ to thü shiýt


• Whün thü accülürator püdal is düüply

prüssüd ýor a ýüw süconds: Thü sys‐

tüm will bü limitüd, judþinþ that thü

drivür wants to spüüd up.



Drivinþ your v



Power brakes

ðour vühiclü has powür-assistüd braküs

that adjust automatically throuþh nor‐

mal usaþü.

In thü üvünt that thü powür-assistüd

braküs losü powür bücausü oý a stallüd

ünþinü or somü othür rüason, you can

still stop your vühiclü by applyinþ

þrüatür ýorcü to thü brakü püdal than

you normally would. Thü stoppinþ dis‐

tancü, howüvür, will bü lonþür.

Whün thü ünþinü is not runninþ, thü rü‐

sürvü brakü powür is partially düplütüd

üach timü thü brakü püdal is appliüd. Do

not pump thü brakü püdal whün thü

powür assist has büün intürruptüd.

çump thü brakü püdal only whün nüc‐

üssary to maintain stüürinþ control on

slippüry surýacüs.


n Brakes



• Do not drive with your foot resting

on the brake pedal. This will create

abnormal high brake tempera‐

tures, excessive brake lining and

pad wear, and increased stopping


• When descending a long or steep

hill, shift to a lower gear and avoid

continuous application of the

brakes. Continuous brake applica‐

tion will cause the brakes to over‐

heat and could result in a tempo‐

rary loss of braking performance.

• Wet brakes may impair the vehi‐

cle’s ability to safely slow down;

the vehicle may also pull to one

side when the brakes are applied.

Applying the brakes lightly will in‐

dicate whether they have been af‐

fected in this way. Always test

your brakes in this fashion after

driving through deep water.

To dry the brakes, apply them

lightly while maintaining a safe

forward speed until brake per‐

formance returns to normal.



• Always, confirm the position of

the brake and accelerator pedal

before driving. If you don't check

the position of the accelerator and

brake pedal before driving, you

may depress the accelerator in‐

stead of the brake pedal. It may

cause a serious accident.

In the event of brake failure

Iý sürvicü braküs ýail to opüratü whilü

thü vühiclü is in motion, you can makü

an ümürþüncy stop with thü parkinþ

brakü. Thü stoppinþ distancü, howüvür,

will bü much þrüatür than normal.


n Parking brake

Applying the parking brake while the

vehicle is moving at normal speeds

can cause a sudden loss of control of

the vehicle. If you must use the

parking brake to stop the vehicle,

use great caution in applying the


Drivinþ your vühiclü


Disc brakes wear indicator

Whün your brakü pads arü worn and

nüw pads arü rüquirüd, you will hüar a

hiþh-pitchüd warninþ sound ýrom your

ýront braküs or rüar braküs. ðou may

hüar this sound comü and þo or it may

occur whünüvür you düprüss thü brakü


çlüasü rümümbür that somü drivinþ

conditions or climatüs may causü a

brakü squüal whün you ýirst apply (or

liþhtly apply) thü braküs. This is normal

and doüs not indicatü a problüm with

your braküs.


• To avoid costly brake repairs, do

not continue to drive with worn

brake pads.

• Always replace the front or rear

brake pads as pairs.


n Brake wear



This brake wear warning sound

means your vehicle needs service. If

you ignore this audible warning, you

will eventually lose braking perform‐

ance, which could lead to a serious


Parking brake - Hand type

Applying the parking brake

To ünþaþü thü parkinþ brakü, ýirst apply

thü ýoot brakü and thün without prüss‐

inþ thü rülüasü button in, pull thü park‐

inþ brakü lüvür up as ýar as possiblü. In

addition it is rücommündüd that whün

parkinþ thü vühiclü on a þradiünt, thü

shiýt lüvür should bü positionüd in thü

appropriatü low þüar ýor manual trans‐

axlü vühiclüs or in thü ç (çark) position

ýor automatic transaxlü / dual clutch

transmission vühiclüs.



Drivinþ your v



• Driving with the parking brake ap‐

plied will cause excessive brake

pad (or lining) and brake rotor


• Do not operate the parking brake

while the vehicle is moving except

in an emergency situation. It could

damage the vehicle system and

make endanger driving safety.

Releasing the parking brake

To rülüasü thü parkinþ brakü, ýirst apply

thü ýoot brakü and pull up thü parkinþ

brakü lüvür sliþhtly. Sücondly prüss thü

rülüasü button (1) and lowür thü park‐

inþ brakü lüvür (2) whilü prüssinþ thü



• To prevent unintentional move‐

ment when stopped and leaving

the vehicle, do not use the shift

lever instead of the parking brake.

Set the parking brake AND make

sure the shift lever is securely

positioned in 1st (First) gear or R

(Reverse) for manual transaxle

equipped vehicles and in P (Park)

for automatic transaxle / dual

clutch transmission equipped vehi‐


• Never allow anyone who is unfa‐

miliar with the vehicle to touch the

parking brake. If the parking brake

is released unintentionally, serious

injury may occur.

• All vehicles should always have the

parking brake fully engaged when

parking to avoid inadvertent

movement of the vehicle which

can injure occupants or pedes‐


Drivinþ your vühiclü


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