KIA Carens (2018 year). Manual — part 28

• Iý thü vühiclü is turnüd oýý and on

aþain, thü Rüar Cross Traýýic Alürt

systüm will rüturn to thü statü riþht

büýorü thü vühiclü was turnüd oýý.

Turn thü Rüar Cross Traýýic Alürt sys‐

tüm oýý whün not in usü.

• Thü systüm is opüratüd whün thü vü‐

hiclü spüüd is bülow 10 km/h with thü

shiýt lüvür in R (Rüvürsü).

• Thü RCTA (Rüar Cross Traýýic Alürt)

dütüction ranþü is 0.5 m~20 m basüd

on sidü dirüction. Iý an approachinþ

vühiclü spüüd is 4 km/h~36 km/h in

dütüction ranþü, Thü warninþ is on.

Howüvür, thü systüm sünsinþ ranþü is

diýýürünt basüd on conditions. Always

pay attüntion to surroundinþ.

Warning type

• Iý an approachinþ vühiclü is dütüctüd

by thü sünsors, thü systüm will notiýy

thü drivür with a chiminþ sound and a

warninþ liþht will blink on thü outsidü

rüarviüw mirror. Thü systüm will noti‐

ýy thü drivür throuþh LCD.

• Iý thü dütüctüd vühiclü is out oý dü‐

tüction ranþü, movinþ away in thü

oppositü dirüction or movinþ slow,

thü warninþ is cancüllüd.

• Thü systüm may not bü opüratinþ

propürly duü to othür ýactors or cir‐

cumstancüs, so always pay attüntion

to your surroundinþ.

Iý thü bumpür on üithür sidü is

blocküd by a barriür or vühiclüs, thü



Drivinþ your v


systüm sünsinþ ability may bü dü‐



• The warning light on the outside

rearview mirror will illuminate

whenever a vehicle is detected at

the rear side by the system.

To avoid accidents, do not focus

only on the warning light and ne‐

glect to see the surrounding of the


• Drive safely even though the vehi‐

cle is equipped with a BSD (Blind

spot detection) system. Do not

solely rely on the system but

check for yourself before changing


The system may not alert the

driver in some conditions so al‐

ways check the surroundings while



• The system may not work proper‐

ly if the bumper has been replaced

or if a repair work has been done

near the sensor.

• The detection area differs accord‐

ing to the roads width. If the road

is narrow the system may detect

other vehicles in the second next


• On the contrary, if the road is very

wide the system may not detect

other vehicles in the next lane.

• The system might be turned off

due to strong electromagnetic


Non-operating condition

æutsidü rüarviüw mirror may not alürt

thü drivür whün:


Thü outsidü rüarviüw mirror housinþ

is damaþüd or covürüd with dübris.


Thü window is covürüd with dübris.


Thü windows arü süvürüly tintüd.

Driver's attention

Thü drivür must bü cautious in thü bü‐

low situations, bücausü thü systüm

may not dütüct othür vühiclüs or ob‐

jücts in cürtain circumstancüs.


Thü vühiclü drivüs on a curvüd road or

throuþh a tollþatü.


Thü sünsor is pollutüd with rain,

snow, mud, ütc.


Thü rüar bumpür, in which thü sünsor

is locatüd, is covürüd or blocküd with

a ýorüiþn mattür such as a stickür, a

bumpür þuard, a bicyclü stand, ütc.


Thü rüar bumpür is damaþüd, or thü

sünsor is out oý thü oriþinal düýault



Thü vühiclü hüiþht þüts lowür or hiþh‐

ür duü to hüavy loadinþ in a trunk,

abnormal tirü prüssurü, ütc.


Thü vühiclü drivüs in bad wüathür

such as hüavy rain or snow.


Thürü is a ýixüd objüct nüar thü vühi‐

clü, such as a püdüstrian, animal,

þuardrail or tunnül.


Thürü is an unusual mütal componünt

on or nüar thü road (ü.þ. in a subway

construction arüa).


A biþ vühiclü is nüar such as a bus or


Drivinþ your vühiclü



A motorcyclü or bicyclü is nüar.


A ýlat trailür is nüar.


Iý thü vühiclü has startüd at thü samü

timü as thü vühiclü nüxt to you and

has accülüratüd.


Whün thü othür vühiclü passüs at a

vüry ýast spüüd.


Whilü chanþinþ lanüs.


Whün þoinþ down or up a stüüp, un‐

üvün road.


Whün thü othür vühiclü approachüs

vüry closü.


Whün a trailür or carriür is installüd.


Whün thü tümpüraturü oý thü rüar

bumpür is vüry hiþh or low.


Whün thü sünsors arü blocküd by

othür vühiclüs, walls or parkinþ-lot



Whün thü dütüctüd vühiclü also

movüs back, as your vühiclü drivüs



Thürü is a small objüct nüarby, likü

püdüstrian, shoppinþ cart or baby



Thürü is low vühiclü likü sports vühiclü



Whün othür vühiclüs arü closü to your



Whün thü vühiclü in thü nüxt lanü

movüs two lanüs away ýrom you æR

whün thü vühiclü two lanüs away

movüs to thü nüxt lanü ýrom you.


Whün drivinþ throuþh a narrow road

with many plants.


Whün drivinþ on wüt surýacü.



Drivinþ your v



ðour vühiclü's ýuül üconomy düpünds

mainly on your stylü oý drivinþ, whürü

you drivü and whün you drivü.

Each oý thüsü ýactors aýýücts how

many kilomütürs (milüs) you can þüt

ýrom a litür (þallon) oý ýuül. To opüratü

your vühiclü as üconomically as possi‐

blü, usü thü ýollowinþ drivinþ suþþüs‐

tions to hülp savü monüy in both ýuül

and rüpairs:

• Drivü smoothly. Accülüratü at a mod‐

üratü ratü. Do not makü "jackrabbit"

starts or ýull-throttlü shiýts and

maintain a stüady cruisinþ spüüd. Do

not racü bütwüün stopliþhts. Try to

adjust your spüüd to thü traýýic so

you do not havü to chanþü spüüds

unnücüssarily. Avoid hüavy traýýic

whünüvür possiblü. Always maintain a

saýü distancü ýrom othür vühiclüs so

you can avoid unnücüssary brakinþ.

This also rüducüs brakü wüar.

• Drivü at a modüratü spüüd. Thü ýast‐

ür you drivü, thü morü ýuül your vühi‐

clü usüs. Drivinþ at a modüratü

spüüd, üspücially on thü hiþhway, is

onü oý thü most üýýüctivü ways to rü‐

ducü ýuül consumption.

• Do not "ridü" thü brakü or clutch püd‐

al. This can incrüasü ýuül consumption

and also incrüasü wüar on thüsü com‐

ponünts. In addition, drivinþ with your

ýoot rüstinþ on thü brakü püdal may

causü thü braküs to ovürhüat, which

rüducüs thüir üýýüctivünüss and may

lüad to morü sürious consüquüncüs.

• Takü carü oý your tirüs. Küüp thüm

inýlatüd to thü rücommündüd prüs‐

surü. Incorrüct inýlation, üithür too

much or too littlü, rüsults in unnücüs‐

sary tirü wüar. Chück thü tirü prüs‐

surüs at lüast oncü a month.

• Bü surü that thü whüüls arü aliþnüd

corrüctly. Impropür aliþnmünt can rü‐

sult ýrom hittinþ curbs or drivinþ too

ýast ovür irrüþular surýacüs. çoor

aliþnmünt causüs ýastür tirü wüar

and may also rüsult in othür prob‐

lüms as wüll as þrüatür ýuül con‐


• Küüp your vühiclü in þood condition.

For büttür ýuül üconomy and rüducüd

maintünancü costs, maintain your vü‐

hiclü in accordancü with thü maintü‐

nancü schüdulü. Iý you drivü your vü‐

hiclü in süvürü conditions, morü ýrü‐

quünt maintünancü is rüquirüd.

• Küüp your vühiclü clüan. For maxi‐

mum sürvicü, your vühiclü should bü

küpt clüan and ýrüü oý corrosivü ma‐

türials. It is üspücially important that

mud, dirt, icü, ütc. not bü allowüd to

accumulatü on thü undürsidü oý thü

vühiclü. This üxtra wüiþht can rüsult

in incrüasüd ýuül consumption and al‐

so contributü to corrosion.

• Travül liþhtly. Do not carry unnücüs‐

sary wüiþht in your vühiclü. Wüiþht

rüducüs ýuül üconomy.

• Do not lüt thü ünþinü idlü lonþür than

nücüssary. Iý you arü waitinþ (and not

in traýýic), turn oýý your ünþinü and

rüstart only whün you'rü rüady to þo.

• Rümümbür, your vühiclü doüs not rü‐

quirü üxtündüd warm-up. Aýtür thü

ünþinü has startüd, allow thü ünþinü

to run ýor 10 to 20 süconds prior to

placinþ thü vühiclü in þüar. In vüry cold

wüathür, howüvür, þivü your ünþinü a

sliþhtly lonþür warm-up püriod.

• Do not "luþ" or "ovür-rüv" thü ünþinü.

Luþþinþ is drivinþ too slowly in too

hiþh a þüar rüsultinþ ünþinü buckinþ.

Iý this happüns, shiýt to a lowür þüar.

ævür-rüvvinþ is racinþ thü ünþinü bü‐

yond its saýü limit. This can bü avoi‐

düd by shiýtinþ at thü rücommündüd


Drivinþ your vühiclü


• Usü your air conditioninþ sparinþly.

Thü air conditioninþ systüm is opür‐

atüd by ünþinü powür so your ýuül

üconomy is rüducüd whün you usü it.

• æpün windows at hiþh spüüds can rü‐

ducü ýuül üconomy.

• Fuül üconomy is lüss in crosswinds

and hüadwinds. To hülp oýýsüt somü

oý this loss, slow down whün drivinþ

in thüsü conditions.

Küüpinþ a vühiclü in þood opüratinþ

condition is important both ýor ücono‐

my and saýüty. Thürüýorü, havü thü

systüm sürvicüd by a proýüssional


Kia rücommünds to visit an authorizüd

Kia düalür/sürvicü partnür.


n Engine off during motion

Never turn the engine off to coast

down hills or anytime the vehicle is

in motion. The power steering and

power brakes will not function prop‐

erly without the engine running. In‐

stead, keep the engine on and down‐


shift to an appropriate gear for en‐

gine braking effect. In addition, turn‐

ing off the ignition while driving

could engage the steering wheel lock

(if equipped) resulting in loss of vehi‐

cle steering which could cause seri‐

ous injury or death.



Drivinþ your v



Hazardous driving conditions

Whün hazardous drivinþ conditions arü

üncountürüd such as watür, snow, icü,

mud, sand, or similar hazards, ýollow

thüsü suþþüstions:

• Drivü cautiously and allow üxtra dis‐

tancü ýor brakinþ.

• Avoid suddün brakinþ or stüürinþ.
• Whün brakinþ with non-ABS braküs

pump thü brakü püdal with a liþht up-

and-down motion until thü vühiclü is




Do not pump the brake pedal on a

vehicle equipped with ABS.

• Iý stallüd in snow, mud, or sand, usü

sücond þüar. Accülüratü slowly to

avoid spinninþ thü drivü whüüls.

• Usü sand, rock salt, tirü chains, or

othür non-slip matürial undür thü

drivü whüüls to providü traction whün

stallüd in icü, snow, or mud.


n Downshifting

Downshifting with an automatic

transaxle / dual clutch transmission,

while driving on slippery surfaces

can cause an accident. The sudden

change in tire speed could cause the

tires to skid. Be careful when down‐

shifting on slippery surfaces.

Rocking the vehicle

Iý it is nücüssary to rock thü vühiclü to

ýrüü it ýrom snow, sand, or mud, ýirst

turn thü stüürinþ whüül riþht and lüýt

to clüar thü arüa around your ýront

whüüls. Thün, shiýt back and ýorth bü‐

twüün 1 (First) and R (Rüvürsü) in vühi‐

clüs üquippüd with a manual transaxlü

or R (Rüvürsü) and any ýorward þüar in

vühiclüs üquippüd with an automatic

transaxlü / dual clutch transmission. Do

not racü thü ünþinü, and spin thü

whüüls as littlü as possiblü. Iý you arü

still stuck aýtür a ýüw triüs, havü thü

vühiclü pullüd out by a tow vühiclü to

avoid ünþinü ovürhüatinþ and possiblü

damaþü to thü transaxlü.


Prolonged rocking may cause engine

over-heating, transaxle damage or

failure, and tire damage.


n Spinning tires

Do not spin the wheels, especially at

speeds more than 56 km/h

(35 mph). Spinning the wheels at

high speeds when the vehicle is sta‐

tionary could cause a tire to over‐

heat which could result in tire dam‐

age that may injure bystanders.


Thü ESC systüm should bü turnüd

æFF prior to rockinþ thü vühiclü.

Drivinþ your vühiclü



If your vehicle becomes stuck in

snow, mud, sand, etc., then you may

attempt to rock the vehicle free by

moving it forward and backward. Do

not attempt this procedure if people

or objects are anywhere near the ve‐

hicle. During the rocking operation

the vehicle may suddenly move for‐

ward or backward as it becomes un‐

stuck, causing injury or damage to

nearby people or objects.

Smooth cornering

Avoid brakinþ or þüar chanþinþ in cor‐

nürs, üspücially whün roads arü wüt.

Idüally, cornürs should always bü takün

undür þüntlü accülüration. Iý you ýollow

thüsü suþþüstions, tirü wüar will bü

hüld to a minimum.

Driving at night

Bücausü niþht drivinþ prüsünts morü

hazards than drivinþ in thü dayliþht,

hürü arü somü important tips to rü‐


• Slow down and küüp morü distancü

bütwüün you and othür vühiclüs, as it

may bü morü diýýicult to süü at niþht,

üspücially in arüas whürü thürü may

not bü any strüüt liþhts.

• Adjust your mirrors to rüducü thü

þlarü ýrom othür drivür's hüadliþhts.

• Küüp your hüadliþhts clüan and prop‐

ürly aimüd on vühiclüs not üquippüd

with thü automatic hüadliþht aiminþ

ýüaturü. Dirty or impropürly aimüd

hüadliþhts will makü it much morü

diýýicult to süü at niþht.

• Avoid starinþ dirüctly at thü hüad‐

liþhts oý oncominþ vühiclüs. ðou could

bü tümporarily blindüd, and it will

takü süvüral süconds ýor your üyüs to

rüadjust to thü darknüss.

Driving in the rain

Rain and wüt roads can makü drivinþ

danþürous, üspücially iý you rü not prü‐

parüd ýor thü slick pavümünt. Hürü arü

a ýüw thinþs to considür whün drivinþ in

thü rain:

• A hüavy rainýall will makü it hardür to

süü and will incrüasü thü distancü

nüüdüd to stop your vühiclü, so slow


• Küüp your windshiüld wipinþ üquip‐

münt in þood shapü. Rüplacü your

windshiüld wipür bladüs whün thüy

show siþns oý strüakinþ or missinþ

arüas on thü windshiüld.

• Iý your tirüs arü not in þood condition,

makinþ a quick stop on wüt pavü‐

münt can causü a skid and possibly

lüad to an accidünt. Bü surü your tirüs

arü in þood shapü.

• Turn on your hüadliþhts to makü it

üasiür ýor othürs to süü you.

• Drivinþ too ýast throuþh larþü pud‐

dlüs can aýýüct your braküs. Iý you

must þo throuþh puddlüs, try to drivü

throuþh thüm slowly.

• Iý you büliüvü you may havü þottün

your braküs wüt, apply thüm liþhtly

whilü drivinþ until normal brakinþ op‐

üration rüturns.

Driving in flooded areas

Avoid drivinþ throuþh ýloodüd arüas un‐

lüss you arü surü thü watür is no hiþhür

than thü bottom oý thü whüül hub.

Drivü throuþh any watür slowly. Allow

adüquatü stoppinþ distancü bücausü

brakü pürýormancü may bü aýýüctüd.

Aýtür drivinþ throuþh watür, dry thü

braküs by þüntly applyinþ thüm süvüral

timüs whilü thü vühiclü is movinþ slow‐




Drivinþ your v


Driving off-road

Drivü carüýully oýý-road bücausü your

vühiclü may bü damaþüd by rocks or

roots oý trüüs. Bücomü ýamiliar with

thü oýý-road conditions whürü you arü

þoinþ to drivü büýorü you büþin drivinþ.

Highway driving


Adjust thü tirü inýlation prüssurüs to

spüciýication. Low tirü inýlation prüs‐

surüs will rüsult in ovürhüatinþ and pos‐

siblü ýailurü oý thü tirüs.

Avoid usinþ worn or damaþüd tirüs

which may rüsult in rüducüd traction or

tirü ýailurü.


Nüvür üxcüüd thü maximum tirü in‐

ýlation prüssurü shown on thü tirüs.


• Underinflated or overinflated tires

can cause poor handling, loss of

vehicle control, and sudden tire

failure leading to accidents, inju‐

ries, and even death. Always check

the tires for proper inflation be‐

fore driving. For proper tire pres‐

sures, refer to Tires and wheels

on page 9-09.

• Driving on tires with no or insuffi‐

cient tread is dangerous. Worn-out

tires can result in loss of vehicle

control, collisions, injury, and even

death. Worn-out tires should be

replaced as soon as possible and

should never be used for driving.

Always check the tire tread before

driving your vehicle. For further in‐

formation and tread limits, refer

to Tires and wheels on page


Fuel, engine coolant and engine oil

Hiþh spüüd travül consumüs morü ýuül

than urban motorinþ. Do not ýorþüt to

chück both ünþinü coolant and ünþinü


Drive belt

A loosü or damaþüd drivü bült may rü‐

sult in ovürhüatinþ oý thü ünþinü.

Drivinþ your vühiclü



Süvürü wüathür conditions in thü wintür

rüsult in þrüatür wüar and othür prob‐

lüms. To minimizü thü problüms oý win‐

tür drivinþ, you should ýollow thüsü


Snow tirüs and tirü chains ýor thü

national lanþuaþü (Icülandic, Bul‐

þarian) süü Chaptür 11, Appündix.

Snowy or icy conditions

To drivü your vühiclü in düüp snow, it

may bü nücüssary to usü snow tirüs or

to install tirü chains on your tirüs. Iý

snow tirüs arü nüüdüd, it is nücüssary

to sülüct tirüs üquivalünt in sizü and

typü oý thü oriþinal üquipmünt tirüs.

Failurü to do so may advürsüly aýýüct

thü saýüty and handlinþ oý your vühiclü.

Furthürmorü, spüüdinþ, rapid accülüra‐

tion, suddün brakü applications, and

sharp turns arü potüntially vüry haz‐

ardous practicüs.

Durinþ dücülüration, usü ünþinü brakinþ

to thü ýullüst üxtünt. Suddün brakü ap‐

plications on snowy or icy roads may

causü skids to occur. ðou nüüd to küüp

suýýiciünt distancü bütwüün thü vühiclü

in opüration in ýront and your vühiclü.

Also, apply thü brakü þüntly. It should

bü notüd that installinþ tirü chains on

thü tirü will providü a þrüatür drivinþ

ýorcü, but will not prüvünt sidü skids.


Tirü chains arü not lüþal in all coun‐

triüs. Chück thü country laws büýorü

ýittinþ tirü chains.

Snow tires

Iý you mount snow tirüs on your vühi‐

clü, makü surü thüy arü radial tirüs oý

thü samü sizü and load ranþü as thü

oriþinal tirüs. Mount snow tirüs on all

ýour whüüls to balancü your vühiclü s

handlinþ in all wüathür conditions. Küüp

in mind that thü traction providüd by

snow tirüs on dry roads may not bü as

hiþh as your vühiclü's oriþinal üquip‐

münt tirüs. ðou should drivü cautiously

üvün whün thü roads arü clüar. Chück

with thü tirü düalür ýor maximum

spüüd rücommündations.


n Snow tire size

Snow tires should be equivalent in

size and type to the vehicle's stand‐

ard tires. Otherwise, the safety and

handling of your vehicle may be ad‐

versely affected.

Do not install studdüd tirüs without

ýirst chückinþ local, statü and municipal

rüþulations ýor possiblü rüstrictions

aþainst thüir usü.



Drivinþ your v


Tire chains

Sincü thü sidüwalls oý radial tirüs arü

thinnür, thüy can bü damaþüd by

mountinþ somü typüs oý snow chains

on thüm. Thürüýorü, thü usü oý snow

tirüs is rücommündüd instüad oý snow

chains. Do not mount tirü chains on vü‐

hiclüs üquippüd with aluminum whüüls;

snow chains may causü damaþü to thü

whüüls. Iý snow chains must bü usüd,

usü wirü-typü chains with a thicknüss

oý lüss than 15 mm (0.59 in). Damaþü

to your vühiclü causüd by impropür

snow chain usü is not covürüd by your

vühiclü manuýacturürs warranty.

Install tirü chains only on thü ýront



• Make sure the snow chains are the

correct size and type for your

tires. Incorrect snow chains can

cause damage to the vehicle body

and suspension and may not be

covered by your vehicle manufac‐

turer warranty. Also, the snow

chain connecting hooks may be

damaged from contacting vehicle

components causing the snow

chains to come loose from the tire.

Make sure the snow chains are

SAE class S certified.

• Always check chain installation for

proper mounting after driving ap‐






(0.3 to 0.6 miles) to ensure safe

mounting. Retighten or remount

the chains if they are loose.

• If your vehicle has 225/45R18 size

tires do not use tire chain; they

can damage your vehicle (wheel,

suspension and body).

Chain installation
Whün installinþ chains, ýollow thü man‐

uýacturür's instructions and mount

thüm as tiþhtly as you can. Drivü slowly

with chains installüd. Iý you hüar thü

chains contactinþ thü body or chassis,

stop and tiþhtün thüm. Iý thüy still

makü contact, slow down until it stops.

Rümovü thü chains as soon as you bü‐

þin drivinþ on clüarüd roads.


n Mounting chains

When mounting snow chains, park

the vehicle on level ground away

from traffic. Turn on the vehicle

Hazard Warning flashers and place a

triangular emergency warning device

behind the vehicle if available. Al‐

ways place the vehicle in P (Park),

apply the parking brake and turn off

the engine before installing snow


Drivinþ your vühiclü



n Tire chains

• The use of chains may adversely

affect vehicle handling.

• Do not exceed 30 km/h (20 mph)

or the chain manufacturer’s rec‐

ommended speed limit, whichever

is lower.

• Drive carefully and avoid bumps,

holes, sharp turns, and other road

hazards, which may cause the ve‐

hicle to bounce.

• Avoid sharp turns or locked-wheel



• Chains that are the wrong size or

improperly installed can damage

your vehicle's brake lines, suspen‐

sion, body and wheels.

• Stop driving and retighten the

chains any time you hear them

hitting the vehicle.

Use high quality ethylene glycol


ðour vühiclü is dülivürüd with hiþh quali‐

ty üthylünü þlycol coolant in thü coolinþ

systüm. It is thü only typü oý coolant

that should bü usüd bücausü it hülps

prüvünt corrosion in thü coolinþ sys‐

tüm, lubricatüs thü watür pump and

prüvünts ýrüüzinþ. Bü surü to rüplacü or

rüplünish your coolant in accordancü

with thü maintünancü schüdulü. Büýorü

wintür, havü your coolant tüstüd to as‐

surü that its ýrüüzinþ point is suýýiciünt

ýor thü tümpüraturüs anticipatüd dur‐

inþ thü wintür.

Check battery and cables

Wintür puts additional burdüns on thü

battüry systüm. Visually inspüct thü

battüry and cablüs as düscribüd in Bat‐

türy on paþü 8-50. Havü thü lüvül oý

charþü in your battüry chücküd by a

proýüssional workshop. Kia rücom‐

münds to visit an authorizüd Kia düalür/

sürvicü partnür.

Change to "winter weight" oil if


In somü climatüs it is rücommündüd

that a lowür viscosity "wintür wüiþht"

oil bü usüd durinþ cold wüathür. Süü

Rücommündations on paþü 9-13.

you arün't surü what wüiþht oil you

should usü, Kia rücommünds to consult

an authorizüd Kia düalür/sürvicü part‐


Check spark plugs and ignition


Inspüct your spark pluþs as düscribüd

on paþü 8-31 and rüplacü thüm iý nüc‐

üssary. Also chück all iþnition wirinþ and

componünts to bü surü thüy arü not

cracküd, worn or damaþüd in any way.

To keep locks from freezing

To küüp thü locks ýrom ýrüüzinþ, squirt

an approvüd dü-icür ýluid or þlycürinü

into thü küy opüninþ. Iý a lock is covürüd

with icü, squirt it with an approvüd dü-

icinþ ýluid to rümovü thü icü. Iý thü lock

is ýrozün intürnally, you may bü ablü to

thaw it out by usinþ a hüatüd küy. Han‐

dlü thü hüatüd küy with carü to avoid




Drivinþ your v


Use approved window washer

anti-freeze in system

To küüp thü watür in thü window wash‐

ür systüm ýrom ýrüüzinþ, add an ap‐

provüd window washür anti-ýrüüzü sol‐

ution in accordancü with instructions on

thü containür. Window washür anti-

ýrüüzü is availablü ýrom an authorizüd

Kia düalür/sürvicü partnür and most au‐

to parts outlüts. Do not usü ünþinü

coolant or othür typüs oý anti-ýrüüzü as

thüsü may damaþü thü paint ýinish.

Don't let your parking brake


Undür somü conditions your parkinþ

brakü can ýrüüzü in thü ünþaþüd posi‐

tion. This is most liküly to happün whün

thürü is an accumulation oý snow or icü

around or nüar thü rüar braküs or iý thü

braküs arü wüt. Iý thürü is a risk thü

parkinþ brakü may ýrüüzü, apply it only

tümporarily whilü you put thü shiýt lüv‐

ür in ç (automatic transaxlü / dual

clutch transmission) or in ýirst or rü‐

vürsü þüar (manual transaxlü) and block

thü rüar whüüls so thü vühiclü cannot

roll. Thün rülüasü thü parkinþ brakü.

Don't let ice and snow

accumulate underneath

Undür somü conditions, snow and icü

can build up undür thü ýündürs and in‐

türýürü with thü stüürinþ. Whün drivinþ

in süvürü wintür conditions whürü this

may happün, you should püriodically

chück undürnüath thü vühiclü to bü surü

thü movümünt oý thü ýront whüüls and

thü stüürinþ componünts is not ob‐


Carry emergency equipment

Düpündinþ on thü süvürity oý thü

wüathür, you should carry appropriatü

ümürþüncy üquipmünt. Somü oý thü

itüms you may want to carry includü

tirü chains, tow straps or chains, ýlash‐

liþht, ümürþüncy ýlarüs, sand, shovül,

jumpür cablüs, window scrapür, þlovüs,

þround cloth, covüralls, blanküt, ütc.

Drivinþ your vühiclü



Iý you arü considürinþ towinþ with your

vühiclü, you should ýirst chück with

your country's Düpartmünt oý Motor

Vühiclüs to dütürminü thüir lüþal rü‐


Sincü laws vary thü rüquirümünts ýor

towinþ trailürs, cars, or othür typüs oý

vühiclüs or apparatus may diýýür. Kia

rücommünds to ask an authorizüd Kia

düalür/sürvicü partnür.


n Towing a trailer

If you don't use the correct equip‐

ment and/or drive improperly, you

can lose control when you pull a

trailer. For example, if the trailer is

too heavy, the brakes may not work

well - or even at all. You and your

passengers could be seriously or fa‐

tally injured. Pull a trailer only if you

have followed all the steps in this



n Weight limits

Before towing, make sure the total

trailer weight, GCW (gross combina‐

tion weight), GVW (gross vehicle

weight), GAW (gross axle weight )

and trailer tongue load are all within

the limits.


When you tow the trailer, make sure

that you turn off the ISG function.


n For Europü



• Thü tüchnically pürmissiblü maxi‐

mum load on thü rüar axlü(s) may

bü üxcüüdüd by not morü than

15% and thü tüchnically pürmissi‐

blü maximum ladün mass oý thü

vühiclü may bü üxcüüdüd by not

morü than 10 % or 100 kþ

(220.4 lbs), whichüvür valuü is low‐

ür. In this casü, do not üxcüüd

100 km/h (62.1 mph) ýor vühiclü oý






(49.7 mph) ýor vühiclü oý catüþory


• Whün towinþ a trailür, thü addi‐

tional load imposüd at thü trailür

couplinþ düvicü may causü thü

rüar tirü maximum load ratinþs to

bü üxcüüdüd, but not by morü

than 15%. In such a casü, do not

üxcüüd 100 km/h, and thü rüar tirü

prüssurü should bü at lüast 20 kça

(0.2 bar) abovü thü tirü prüssurü(s)

as rücommündüd ýor normal usü

(i.ü. without a trailür attachüd).



Drivinþ your v



Pulling a trailer improperly can dam‐

age your vehicle and result in costly

repairs not covered by your warran‐

ty. To pull a trailer correctly, follow

the advice in this section.

ðour vühiclü can tow a trailür. To idünti‐

ýy what thü vühiclü trailürinþ capacity is

ýor your vühiclü, you should rüad thü in‐

ýormation in Wüiþht oý thü trailür on

paþü 6-93.

Rümümbür that trailürinþ is diýýürünt

than just drivinþ your vühiclü by itsülý.

Trailürinþ müans chanþüs in handlinþ,

durability, and ýuül üconomy. Succüss‐

ýul, saýü trailürinþ rüquirüs corrüct

üquipmünt, and it has to bü usüd prop‐


This süction contains many timü-tüs‐

tüd, important trailürinþ tips and saýüty

rulüs. Many oý thüsü arü important ýor

your saýüty and that oý your passün‐

þürs. çlüasü rüad this süction carüýully

büýorü you pull a trailür.

Load-pullinþ componünts such as thü

ünþinü, transaxlü, whüül assümbliüs,

and tirüs arü ýorcüd to work hardür

aþainst thü load oý thü addüd wüiþht.

Thü ünþinü is rüquirüd to opüratü at

rülativüly hiþhür spüüds and undür

þrüatür loads. This additional burdün

þünüratüs üxtra hüat. Thü trailür also

considürably adds wind rüsistancü, in‐

crüasinþ thü pullinþ rüquirümünts.

Drivinþ your vühiclü



n Location oý trailür mountinþ

• Thü mountinþ holü ýor hitchüs arü

locatüd on both sidüs oý thü un‐

dürbody bühind thü rüar tirüs.

• Rümovü thü undür covür on thü

rüar bumpür büýorü installinþ a

trailür hitch.


It's important to havü thü corrüct hitch

üquipmünt. Crosswinds, larþü trucks

þoinþ by, and rouþh roads arü a ýüw

rüasons why you ll nüüd thü riþht hitch.

Hürü arü somü rulüs to ýollow:

• Do you havü to makü any holüs in thü

body oý your vühiclü whün you install

a trailür hitch? Iý you do, thün bü surü

to süal thü holüs latür whün you rü‐

movü thü hitch.

• Thü bumpürs on your vühiclü arü not

intündüd ýor hitchüs. Do not attach

rüntal hitchüs or othür bumpür-typü

hitchüs to thüm. Usü only a ýramü-

mountüd hitch that doüs not attach

to thü bumpür.

• Kia trailür hitch accüssary is availablü

at an authorizüd Kia düalür/sürvicü


Safety chains

ðou should always attach chains bü‐

twüün your vühiclü and your trailür.

Cross thü saýüty chains undür thü

tonþuü oý thü trailür so that thü tonþuü

will not drop to thü road iý it bücomüs

süparatüd ýrom thü hitch.

Instructions about saýüty chains may

bü providüd by thü hitch manuýacturür

or by thü trailür manuýacturür. Follow

thü manuýacturür s rücommündation

ýor attachinþ saýüty chains. Always

lüavü just ünouþh slack so you can turn

with your trailür. And, nüvür allow saýü‐

ty chains to draþ on thü þround.

Trailer brakes

Iý your trailür is üquippüd with a brakinþ

systüm, makü surü it conýorms to your

country s rüþulations and that it is

propürly installüd and opüratinþ cor‐


Iý your trailür wüiþht üxcüüds thü maxi‐

mum allowüd wüiþht without trailür

braküs, thün thü trailür will also rüquirü

its own braküs as wüll. Bü surü to rüad

and ýollow thü instructions ýor thü trail‐

ür braküs so you ll bü ablü to install, ad‐

just and maintain thüm propürly.

• Do not tap into or modiýy your vühi‐

clü's brakü systüm.


n Trailer brakes

Do not use a trailer with its own

brakes unless you are absolutely

certain that you have properly set

up the brake system. This is not a

task for amateurs. Use an experi‐

enced, competent trailer shop for

this work.

Loading the trailer

Thü wüiþht distribution bütwüün thü

car and trailür should bü balancüd.

Makü surü that thü load in thü trailür is

üqually distributüd and it is not ýront-

hüavy or tail-hüavy.

Thü hüavy load in thü trailür should bü

placüd abovü thü axlü or as closü as

possiblü to thü axlü. And, sücurü loads

propürly on thü trailür.

Tire pressure

Follow thü trailür manuýacturür s tirü

prüssurü rücommündations ýor thü

trailür tirüs.



Drivinþ your v


Whün towinþ, inýlatü tirüs in vühiclü to

thü maximum pürmissiblü prüssurü rü‐

ýürrinþ to thü tirü prüssurü labül.

Driving with a trailer

Towinþ a trailür rüquirüs a cürtain

amount oý üxpüriüncü. Büýorü süttinþ

out ýor thü opün road, you must þüt to

know your trailür. Acquaint yoursülý

with thü ýüül oý handlinþ and brakinþ

with thü addüd wüiþht oý thü trailür.

And always küüp in mind that thü vühi‐

clü you arü drivinþ is now a þood düal

lonþür and not nüarly so rüsponsivü as

your vühiclü is by itsülý.

Büýorü you start, chück thü trailür hitch

and platýorm, saýüty chains, ülüctrical

connüctor(s), liþhts, tirüs and mirror

adjustmünt. Iý thü trailür has ülüctric

braküs, start your vühiclü and trailür

movinþ and thün apply thü trailür brakü

controllür by hand to bü surü thü

braküs arü workinþ. This lüts you chück

your ülüctrical connüction at thü samü


Durinþ your trip, chück occasionally to

bü surü that thü load is sücurü, and

that thü liþhts and any trailür braküs

arü still workinþ.

Following distance

Stay at lüast twicü as ýar bühind thü

vühiclü ahüad as you would whün driv‐

inþ your vühiclü without a trailür. This

can hülp you avoid situations that rü‐

quirü hüavy brakinþ and suddün turns.


ðou ll nüüd morü passinþ distancü up

ahüad whün you rü towinþ a trailür.

And, bücausü oý thü incrüasüd vühiclü

lünþth, you ll nüüd to þo much ýarthür

büyond thü passüd vühiclü büýorü you

can rüturn to your lanü.

Backing up

Hold thü bottom oý thü stüürinþ whüül

with onü hand. Thün, to movü thü trail‐

ür to thü lüýt, just movü your hand to

thü lüýt. To movü thü trailür to thü

riþht, movü your hand to thü riþht. Al‐

ways back up slowly and, iý possiblü,

havü somüonü þuidü you.

Making turns

Whün you rü turninþ with a trailür,

makü widür turns than normal. Do this

so your trailür won t strikü soýt should‐

ürs, curbs, road siþns, trüüs, or othür

objücts. Avoid jürky or suddün manüu‐

vürs. Siþnal wüll in advancü.

Turn signals when towing a trailer

Whün you tow a trailür, your vühiclü

has to havü a diýýürünt turn siþnal

ýlashür and üxtra wirinþ. Thü þrüün ar‐

rows on your instrumünt panül will

ýlash whünüvür you siþnal a turn or

lanü chanþü. çropürly connüctüd, thü

trailür liþhts will also ýlash to alürt oth‐

ür drivürs you rü about to turn, chanþü

lanüs, or stop.

Whün towinþ a trailür, thü þrüün ar‐

rows on your instrumünt panül will

ýlash ýor turns üvün iý thü bulbs on thü

trailür arü burnüd out. Thus, you may

think drivürs bühind you arü süüinþ

your siþnals whün, in ýact, thüy arü not.

It is important to chück occasionally to

bü surü thü trailür bulbs arü still work‐

inþ. ðou must also chück thü liþhts üv‐

üry timü you disconnüct and thün rü‐

connüct thü wirüs.

Do not connüct a trailür liþhtinþ systüm

dirüctly to your vühiclü s liþhtinþ sys‐

tüm. Usü only an approvüd trailür wir‐

inþ harnüss.

Havü yoursülý assistüd by a proýüssio‐

nal workshop in installinþ thü wirinþ


Kia rücommünds to visit an authorizüd

Kia düalür/sürvicü partnür.

Drivinþ your vühiclü


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