JAC-J7. Service manual — part 4


When you buy your new car, you will get
two keys. Please keep one key properly
as a standby one. The key coding is
recorded on one number plate (which is
attached with the key). For the sake of
safety, record the numbers on the key
plate and keep them in a safe place if
needed when you prepare a new key.

Remote control door lock system
Sometimes you will find the effective
range of emitter becomes smaller, but
this is very normal to any remote control
door lock system. If your emitter cannot
work or works only when stand very near,
please try the following procedures:
淫 Check the distance. Maybe you
stand a little far away from your car.
And in rainy or snowy day, you need
stand closer to the car.
淫 Check the place. To see if there are
other vehicles or objects blocking your
signal, walk a little to the left or right and
raise your emitter a little higher and try
once more.
淫 Check whether the cell needs to be
replaced. Refer to 野The Replacement of
Cell冶 in 野Remote Control Door Lock


Please well keep your key number
plate, for it is the basis when you pre鄄
pare a new one.



Do not leave your child and key in your
car independently, for your child may
start the electric window or other control
devices, or even start your car, which
might cause serious injuries to your child
as well as to other people.
If your car is equipped with electric anti-
theft alarm system, only the key with cor鄄
rect electronic codes could start it up. The
key of the same shape but with wrong
codes could neither start the engine. If you
need an extra key or if you lose your key,
the distributor (s) authorized by Jianghuai
could prepare a new one for you if you can
correctly tell your key codes.

key number plate

System冶 of this Chapter.
淫 If there is still problem, please visit
the special maintenance center of
Jianghuai automobiles for service.

Remote control door lock system operation

You may lock or open the door by using
the remote control door lock system:
Lock: You may lock all doors if this but鄄
ton is pressed. If all the doors and
boots are closed, the hazard warning
light will flash for once, which indicates
that the car is well locked and the anti-
theft system is started.

Close the window remotely: If you press
the lock key on the remote controller for
over 300ms, the windows on the four
doors will automatically lift up until
Unlock: All the doors are unlocked if this
button is pressed. At this moment, the
hazard warning light will flash for twice
indicating that the car is unlocked and
the anti-theft system is cancelled.
Descend the window remotely: The win鄄
dows on the four doors will automatically
descend if the unlocking key on the con鄄
troller is pressed down for over 300ms.
If the door is not opened or the engine
is not started within 30s after the emitter
unlocks the door, all the doors will be
locked automatically and the anti -theft
system will be resumed.



Luminescent diode





Replacing the cell
Under normal use condition, the cell in
the remote lock emitter can be used for
two years.
If the light emitting diode lamp does not
light up or must work when approaching
near the car, it indicates that the electric
quantity of cell is insufficient and new
one should be replaced at once.
Type of remote key button cell: CR2032.

Steps to replace the emitter cell:
1. Dismount the cover plate of the front
face of remote key and take out the

2. Carefully open the emitter cover, take
out the used cell and install a new one.
The positive pole of the cell must face
3. Cover the emitter cover and make
sure the cover is tightly covered to pre鄄
vent water.
4. Put the emitter into the remote key
and cover the cover plate.
5. Test the operation of emitter.

Press two buttons on the emitter for

around 10s continuously, and the LED
indicator light will rapidly flash on and
then out.

Continuously press down the lock

and unlock buttons thrice respectively
and hold for over 1.5s each time. If the
LED indicator light distinguishes, loosen
the button. At this moment, the LED indi鄄
cator light will continue flashing.

Friendly Tips

When replacing the cell, be careful and
not contact the circuit board.
The static electricity transferred from
your body to the circuit board will dam鄄
age the emitter.
Do not touch the two surfaces of the cell
if you aren爷t wearing the gloves, for this

will shorten the service life of the cell.
The used cell will be harmful to the en鄄
vironment, so
淫 Comply with local recycling rules

for disposed cells.
淫 Do not throw it away together with

domestic wastes.
In order to keep the emitter at good condi鄄
tion, please abide by the following rules:
淫 Do not drop the emitter onto the ground.

淫 Do not put heavy objects on the emitter.

淫 Keep the emitter away from water

or direct sunshine. If the emitter is wet鄄
ted, mop it up with soft cloth.



Boot: The boot can be opened if this
button is pressed.
When this button is pressed, the light
emitting diode lamp will flash for once
indicating that the boot is opened.
Bounce out the key: The key folded in
the remote control will bounce out if
Button A is pressed. The key could be
turned back to the remote control if
Button A is continuously pressed.

Matched key emitter
Each emitter is ele ctronically coded to
prevent other emitters opening the door
lock. If your emitter is lost or stolen, you
could buy a substitution emitter through
the selling and service center of
Jianghuai Automobile.
If you need one or more substation
emitters, you should take the current
emitter when you want to buy substitu鄄
tion emitter from the service center.
When the selling and service center is
matching the substitution emitter with
your car, the existing emitter must also
match with it.
If the selling service center finishes the
electronic coding to the new emitter, the
lost emitter could not open the door

lock. For each car, two key emitters at
most could be kept simultaneously.

Friendly Tips

If the ignition key is not pulled out,
the buttons on the remote door lock
emitter will not work and the anti -
theft system will not be started. Refer
to 野Anti-theft System冶 of this Chapter
for details.



Door and lock

Door lock

To lock the door with key outside the
car, you should insert the key and turn it
To unlock the door, turn the key counter鄄

To lock any door inside the car, you
should toggle the door lock control but鄄
ton right inward.
To unlock any door inside the car, you
should toggle the door lock control but鄄
ton left outward.


The temperature inside the car will rise
rapidly and exceed that outside the car.
淫 Do not leave the child or pet inside
the car individually; or else serious in鄄
juries might happen, for the child may
control the electric window or other
control buttons and even initiate the car.
淫 Do not leave the child with key in鄄
side the car, which will possibly lead to
serious injuries.

Friendly Tips

When you walk away from the unkept
car, you must lock all the doors and
take the keys away.

Friendly Tips

Only the door at driver爷s side is closed
can all doors be locked. If that door is
opened, all the car doors cannot be
locked by using the above methods.


To open the door from inside of the car,
pull the door handle inwards.

To open the door from outside of the
car, pull up the door handle outwards.

Door central lock system

The electric door lock buttons on the
door switch of driver爷s side can control
the opening and closing of all the four
doors. By pressing the electric door
lock爷s central switch button, the four
doors will be locked. Press down the
central control electric door lock switch
button, the four doors will be opened. If
the car speed exceeds 40km/h, the
door lock will be automatically locked.

Door ajar warning

If one of the doors is not properly
closed, the door ajar warning light on
the combined device will light on until
the door is well closed.


Friendly Tips

When the child safety lock is setting at
野LOCK (locked)冶 position, do not pull
the door handle inside the car. Other鄄
wise, the handle may be damaged.


Child safety lock
All rear doors of this car install the child
safety lock to prevent passenger (espe鄄
cially the child) from pulling the door
handle and opening the rear door from
inside accidentally.

To start up the child safety lock:
淫 Open the rear door you want to lock.
淫 Find out the child safety lock lever
which locates at door end near the
middle position.
淫 Slide the lever to LOCK (locked) po鄄

When the child safety lock is used and
you want to open the rear door, you
have to open the door from outside the
To cancel the child safety lock, turn the
lever to 野UNLOCK (unlocked)冶 position.

Friendly Tips

All rear doors are equipped with their
respective locks.
The child safety lock at the left and right
rear doors must be started manually.


During driving, do not press the boot
switch button on the console, as the boot
will be opened if this button is pressed.

Boot lock

淫 Press the indicator button of boot
switch on the remote controlled key (see
野Key冶 of this Chapter) to open the boot.
淫 You can also open the boot cover
by pressing the boot switch on the left
switch group assembly of instrument
desk (shown in the above picture).

淫 To open the boot cover, please in鄄
sert the key and screw it clockwise, lift
the boot cover and return the key to
neutral position and then pull it out. To
close the cover, please press the boot
cover downward and lock it.

Friendly Tips

Make sure your and other people爷s
hands and other bodily parts are away
from the closing area of boot or tail door.


淫 If the car is driven under the condi鄄
tion that the boot cover or tail door is
opened, the exhausted gas will enter
the passenger chamber and lead to
serious casualties for the exhaust gas is
toxic usually.
淫 When the boot cover is opened, it
may screen out your rear vision. When
driving, if the rear vision is screened,
collision accidents may be caused,
which will damage your car or other
properties and even lead to casualty



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