BYD F3, F3-R. Service Manual — part 2

consumed. Check the battery
warning without entering the
indicator flashes once.
inside the transmitter. Replace the
anti-theft mode.
Observe the following instructions to
battery. For details, see
When the forth (fifth for F3-R) door
avoid damages:
“Replacing the battery in the
is closed but do not in the state of
● Do not leave the key in places
remote control”.
anti-theft, press the “LOCK” switch
where the temperature becomes
If you lose your wireless remote
to lock the door.
high such as on the dashboard.
control key, contact your BYD AUTO
Finding the vehicle: when the
● Do not disassemble it.
service station as soon as possible
vehicle enters the state of anti-theft,
● Avoid knocking it hard against
“LOCK” switch
press the “LOCK” switch and you
other objects or dropping it.
If the switch is kept being pressed,
will hear a buzz and watch the turn
● Do not place it into water.
the operation is not repeated. Release
signal light flashes 15 seconds.
One vehicle is equipped with two
the switch and then push again for
(When you do not ensure the position
wireless remote control keys. Contact
another operation.
of your vehicle, you can use this
BYD after-sale service station for
To lock: push the “LOCK” switch, all
feature to find your vehicle.)
more information.
the side doors and back door are
Under the state of finding the vehicle,
If the wireless remote control key
locked simultaneously. At this time,
press the “LOCK” switch again to
does not actuate the doors, or operate
the turn signal lights flash once.
enter this state again.
from a normal distance, or the
If the key is in the ignition switch,
Cancel warning: while the vehicle is
indicator on the key is dimmed or
locking and unlocking can not
under the state of anti-theft, the
does not illuminate, please do the
performed by the remote control. If
warning system is activated. Press the
following actions:
the key is not in the ignition switch
“LOCK” switch, and all of the doors
● Check for closeness to a radio
and no doors are locked, press the
will be locked one time. At the same
transmitter such as a radio station
“LOCK” button on the remote control,
time, the warning will be cancelled.
or an airport which can interfere
and the forth (fifth for F3-R) door
In this way, the vehicle is also under
with normal operation of the key.
will be locked. At the same time, the
the anti-theft state.
● The battery may have been
horn will buzz one time to make a
For details, see “Settings of optional
If the switch is kept being pressed,
Replacing the battery in the remote
the operation is not repeated. Release
You have 30 seconds to open a door
the switch and then push again for
after using the wireless remote
another operation.
control unlock feature. If a door is not
For replacement, use two CR2016
To unlock: press the “UNLOCK”
opened by then, all the doors will be
lithium batteries or the equivalent. It
switch, and all doors will be unlocked
automatically locked again.
is recommended to go to BYD AUTO
while the turn signal light will flash
Quit the anti-theft state: when the
twice. If you press this switch when
car is in the anti-theft state (including
service station to replace it.
the vehicle is under the state of
that the anti-theft warning is on),
anti-theft, the vehicle will be
press “UNLOCK” switch and all the
unlocked and the turn signal light will
doors will be open once with the
Special care should be taken to
flash three times.
turning light flash for three times. At
prevent small children from
You can not unlock the vehicle by
the same time, the car will quit the
swallowing the removed battery or
pressing the “UNLOCK” switch if
anti-theft state.
the key is in the ignition switch. If
“PANIC” switch
under the state of anti-theft and the
Press the “PANIC” switch for 1.5
key is in the ignition switch, pressing
seconds or longer at any time to start
the “UNLOCK” switch can exit from
intermittent warning and enable the
the state of anti-theft and open all of
turn signal light to flash. The warning
Dispose of used batteries according
the doors simultaneously.
lasts about 30 seconds. If you want to
to the local laws.
While using the wireless remote
stop this warning within the 30
control to open the key, the rear inner
seconds, you can press “UNLOCK”
light and ignition switch reminder
once or “PANIC” again (Please do
light will be on for 30 seconds, and
not press this switch during driving).
then off. (This function is optional.
Replace the battery by following
1. Open the wireless remote with a
2. Remove the module from the
3. Put in a new battery with the
screwdriver or other tool as
key frame.
positive side up. Tighten the
cover with screws.
Specification of the remote control
Make sure the positive side and
Frequency range: 314.9-315.1 MHz
negative side of the battery are
Emission power: ≤5500 μV/m
faced correctly.
Do not replace the batteries with
Spurious emission threshold: ≤610μ
wet hands. Water may cause
unexpected rust.
Bandwidth: ≤300 kHz
Do not touch or move any
components inside the
transmitter, or it may interfere
Don’t change emission
with proper operation.
frequency, increase the emission
Be careful not to bend the
power (including installing
electrode when inserting the
frequency amplifier), or install
battery and that dust or oils do
other antenna by yourself.
not adhere to the case.
Don’t bring baleful disturbance
Close the cover securely.
to legal wireless
communications. Upon
After replacing the battery, check
disturbance, stop using it and
whether the key operates properly. If
contact with BYD AUTO service
station to eliminate disturbance.
the key still does not operate properly,
Don’t use it on airplane or
contact your BYD AUTO service
around the airport.
Power windows
Operating the switch
Automatic operation
The ignition key must be in the “ON”
Push the switch completely down and
then release it. The window will fully
Operating the driver’s window
be opened or closed. To stop the
Using the switch on the driver’s door
can control all of the doors.
window partway, lightly move the
Normal operation: Press the switch
switch in the opposite direction and
to enable the window to rise or
then release it.
To open: lightly push down the
To close: lightly pull up the switch.
Operating the passengers’ windows
Use the switch on each passenger’s
door or the switches on the driver’s
door that control each passenger’s
The window moves as long as you
press and hold the switch.
To open: lightly push down the
To close: lightly pull up the switch.
If you push down the window lock
switch on the driver’s door, the
passengers’ windows can not be
Luggage compartment lid (F3)
lever (F3)
Power windows do not have the
jam protection function, so
please pay attention to you
To open the luggage compartment
Recommend to use the window
lid from the outside, insert the
lock switch when there are
master key and turn it clockwise.
children in the vehicle.
See “Luggage storage precautions” in
Make sure that the ignition key
Section 2 for precautions when
is taken out when you leave the
loading luggage.
Pull the lever up, and the luggage
To close the luggage compartment lid,
lower it and press it. Then, try to pull
component lock will be opened.
upward to make sure it is really
Keep the luggage compartment lid
closed while driving. This not only
keeps the luggage from being
thrown out but also prevents
exhaust gases from entering the
Luggage component inner control
Cancel the function of luggage
Back door (F3-R)
component inner control lever (F3)
2. Lift the outer handle to open the
See “Luggage storage precautions” in
Section 2 for precautions when
After closing the luggage component,
loading luggage
To close the back door, lower it and
insert the main key and turn it
Open the back door
press it. Then, try to pull upward to
clockwise to cancel the function of
1. Insert the main key and turn it
make sure it is really closed.
the inner control lever. In this
clockwise, or press the “UNLOCK”
situation, you can not open the
button on the wireless remote control
Keep the catch-back door closed
luggage component with the sub key.
(All other doors are opened at the
while driving. This not only keeps the
luggage from being thrown out but
same time).
also prevents exhaust gases from
entering the vehicle.
Engine hood
3. hold the hood open by inserting
To open the engine hood:
2. In front of the vehicle, pull up
the supporting rod into the slot
1. Pull the hood lock release lever
the auxiliary catch lever and
Before closing the hood, check
whether you left any tools or rags
and the hood will spring up
lift the hood.
inside. Return the supporting rod to
its clip. Then, lower the hood and
make sure that it locks into place. If
necessary, press down gently on the
front edge to lock it.
Before driving, be sure that the
hood is closed and securely locked.
After inserting the supporting rod
into the slot, make sure the rod
Otherwise, the hood may open
supports the hood securely,
unexpectedly while driving and an
preventing from falling down on to
your head or body.
accident may occur.
Anti-theft system
anti-theft system.
the turning light flashes once while
● The vehicle is knocked.
all the doors are locked.
If someone wants to damage or enter
the vehicle, the system will enable the
turn signal light to flash and send an
Manual setting of the function
It is used to prevent the vehicle
from stealing. When the vehicle
Press the “LOCK” switch and the
enters the anti-theft state, there will
manual anti-theft setting will be
be a warning in the following
exited in 1 second. The indicator
will flash slowly.
● Any side doors are opened.
In the following situations, the
● The ignition switch is turned to
Use the wireless remote control to
anti-theft state can not be enabled:
“ON” position.
manually set the anti-theft system.
● Any one door is opened.
● Disconnect or re-connect battery
Press the “UNLOCK” switch to
The buzzer will buzz for about 1
or control components of
activate the anti-theft state and. Then,
second. Close the door and try again.
Automatic setting of the function
deactivated, the turn signal lights
all of the doors will be locked again,
will flash twice.
and the vehicle will enter the
This is an optional function. To use
● If the anti-theft system is
anti-theft state again if any one door
this function, change the function
activated, the turn signal lights
is not opened.
mode first. For details, see “Settings
will flash three times, and the
of optional functions”.
anti-theft indicator light will flash
Starting the anti-theft warning
If you take the key out, close the side
quickly. When the ignition key is
When the anti-theft system detects an
doors, and do not operate the wireless
turned to the “ON” position, the
abnormal condition, the signal light
remote control in 30 seconds, the
indicator light will be off.
will flash and the warning will be on
vehicle will enter the anti-theft state
After you quit the anti-theft state, the
for 30 seconds.
automatically. At this time, inserting
the key into the ignition switch will
rear interior light and ignition key
● Any door is opened.
reminder light will be on for about 30
cause an alarm. When the key is at
● The key is in “ignition” position.
seconds go off even when the doors
the “ON” position, the anti-theft state
● Reconnect the battery or
are closed. The delay time can be
will be quitted automatically. You can
modified. For details, see the
anti-theft module.
also press the “UNLOCK” switch to
“Settings of optional functions”.
quit the state.
● The vehicle is knocked.
If you can not quit the anti-theft mode
Cancel the state of anti-theft
by using wireless remote control, you
Press the “UNLOCK” switch, and all
Dual-testing function
can use the key to cancel it: within
of the doors will be opened while the
This feature is realized through the
the 15 seconds when the doors are
vehicle quit the anti-theft mode.
dual testing below.
opened, turn the ignition key from
● A beep will be sent as an alarm
“ACC” to “ON” ten times, and the
The relations between the system
upon a light knock in anti-theft
state will be disabled.
state and the actions:
After the anti-theft state is disabled,
● If the anti-theft system is
If your vehicle detects a light knock
in 10 seconds in anti-theft mode, it
“Settings of optional functions” for
setting function”.
will warn by buzzing with the turning
Automatic locking and
lights flashing for 30 seconds.
● A beep will be sent as an alarm
Resetting of anti-theft system
For details, see the “Automatic
and the turning lights will flash
If the anti-theft system does not stay
locking and unlocking”.
for 30 seconds upon a heavy
in the states said above, the alarm
On-board illuminating system
knock in anti-theft mode.
stops after the cycle. Then, the system
The alarm sensitivity against knocks
will be reset automatically when the
For details, see the “Rear interior
can be regulated. For details, see the
auto set function is selected.
light” and the “Ignition switch
corresponding part in “Steps for
reminder light”.
changing optional functions”.
Stopping the warn
Starting 6 warning cycles
While warning, press “LOCK” to
When the vehicle enters the anti-theft
Restarting the warning
stop it with the anti-theft system still
state, an alarm will be sent and the
The warning will restart on the
turn signal lights will flash 30
following conditions after warning
While warning, press “UNLOCK” to
seconds. A cycle will be performed
stop it with the anti-theft system not
every 15 seconds. Three cycles are
„ Any door being open.
defaulted. You can choose 6 cycles. If
„ Key being turned to “Start”
so, 3 and 9 warning cycles are
cancelled automatically. If 6 and 9
Settings of optional anti-theft
Your vehicle will alarm by buzzing
warning cycles are disabled, 3
with the turning lights flashing for 30
warning cycles will be enabled again.
seconds and pausing for 15 seconds.
Optional anti-theft functions:
Starting 9 warning cycles
This action circulates for three times.
Automatic setting function
Select this item to enable 9 warning
The cycle can be changed. Refer to
For details, see the “Automatic
cycles. Then, 3 and 6 warning cycles
are cancelled automatically. If 6 and 9
close it. If you find the turn signal
warning cycles are disabled, 3
light flash twice hear the warning
1. Check whether the anti-theft
sound twice, it indicates that the
warning cycles will be enabled again.
system is released.
function is disabled. If failed, re-open
Delay time of entering the
2. Close all of the doors.
the door and close it again to exit
vehicle (15s)
3. Insert the key into the ignition
from disabled state to enabled state.
After using the wireless remote
control to open all doors, the rear
4. Open and close the driver’s door
Optional function
interior light and ignition key
twice within 10 seconds. (close
reminder light will be on for about 15
Automatic setting
seconds (original time: 30 seconds).
5. Turn the key from “ACC” to
If selected, the default time, 30
“ON” three times. (ACCON
Automatic locked and
seconds, will be disabled.
Delay time of entering the
Now the anti-theft indicator light
3 times
On-board light system
vehicle (30)
4 times
Starting 6 cycles warning
6. Press the “LOCK” switch on the
After using the wireless remote
5 times
Starting 9 cycles warning
control to open all doors, the rear
wireless remote control according
6 times
The delay time of
interior light and ignition key
to the following tables, and make
reminder light will be on for about 30
sure that the indicator flashes.
entering the vehicle:15s
seconds. To use this function, deselect
Make sure the function state by
7 times
The delay time of
the 15s option first. If both options
pressing the “LOCK” switch on the
entering the vehicle:30s
are selected, the system will set the
wireless remote control. While the
8 times
Knocking sensitive
time to be 15 seconds automatically.
function is chosen, the turn signal
light will flash once and you can hear
The sensitivity can be set in 4 grades:
the warning sound once. To deselect
Steps for changing optional
1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and
this function, open any a door and
4th grade. The 1st grade is most
sensitive while the other grades
Fuel tank cap
feature a much less sensitivity in turn.
While the vibration sensitivity
standard is selected, the turn signal
light corresponding to the grade will
flash and the warning sound
corresponding to the grade will be
Changing sensitivity standards:
1. To open the fuel filler door, pull
After entering the vibration
the lever up.
sensitivity standard, you can open and
then close any door to step to the next
When refueling, turn off the engine.
This indicates that the fuel filler
7. Store the settings by doing any of
the following:
cap is on the left side of your
● Turn the ignition switch to the
While refueling, do not smoke,
“ON” position.
● Close the driver’s door for 30
avoiding the sparks or the
flame that could lead to fire.
● Press the “LOCK” switch on
When opening the cap, do not
wireless remote control again.
For details, please contact your BYD
remove the cap quickly. Upon
AUTO service station.
hot weather, fuel under
pressure could cause injury by
spraying out of the filler neck if
the cap is suddenly removed.
Make sure the cap is tightened
securely to prevent fuel spillage
in the event of an accident.
Use only a genuine BYD AUTO
fuel tank cap for replacement.
It is designed to regulate fuel
tank pressure.
1. To remove the fuel tank cap,
turn the cap slowly
anticlockwise, and then pause
slightly before removing it.
After removing the cap, hang it
on the cap hanger.
It is normal to hear a slight swoosh
when the cap is opened. While
installing, turn the cap clockwise till
you hear a click.

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